Amusing Ourselves to Death

The author begins with a comparison of Orwellian Marshall law and Brave New World’s apathetic utopia. He makes the argument that the apathetic utopia is becoming more of a reality as people are consumed by distraction, pleasure, and apathy. I always thought the Brave New World reality sounded pretty good, other than the fact that the the will to progress and overcome situational circumstance is taken away with test tube babies predestined for a life that lacks fundamental choices based on genetics.

Postman points out that in 1984 reality, books are banned and information is restricted, but in BNW reality, books don’t need to be banned because nobody wants to read them, leaving a society devolved into one that chooses its own ignorance and sheepishness. Choices are taken away, pharmaceuticals are dispersed and civilization is at its pinnacle of efficiency, harmony, and sustainability at the cost of our primitive nature, emotion, free will, and drive.
This book discusses how television is a steady stream of distraction that leads us further and further from fact and reality. News broadcasting showcases only attractive people who spew content intended for entertainment over truth. Ignorance and beauty are the superficial virtues people strive for and emotional reaction has taken the place of informed opinions. This book was published in 2005, so you can’t help to notice that the status quo is becoming more extreme all the time. If nothing else, this book will open up a dialog for thought and discussion.

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